Envoy: Russia has not given up its role as ‘honest broker’ in Azerbaijan-Armenia negotiations

Russia has never given up its role as an "honest broker" in the negotiation process between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Russian ambassador to Yerevan,, Sergey Kopyrkin, said in an interview with the Soyuzniki: ODKB (Allies: CSTO) publication, TASS reports.
"The recent contacts of Russian President Vladimir Putin with his [Armenian and Azerbaijani] colleagues, in particular, his state visit to Azerbaijan on August 18-19, and telephone conversations with [Armenian PM] Nikol Pashinyan and [Azerbaijani President] Ilham Aliyev, during which the discussion of Armenian-Azerbaijan settlement issues was emphasized, are confirmation of this," the Russian diplomat added.
Also, he noted that it was "thanks to the Russian side and Putin himself" that it became possible to stop the 2020 war, to develop and implement the tripartite working group mechanism on the unblocking of economic and transport communications in the region.
"We [i.e. Russia] are sincerely interested in the success of the negotiations, the establishment of well-being and peace in the territory of our close neighbors, partners, and allies. We consider the signing of a balanced peace treaty [between Armenia and Azerbaijan] as an irreplaceable prerequisite for the establishment of indivisible security and stable socioeconomic development [in the region]," said Kopyrkin.

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