Zelenskyy: Mongolia respects Putin more than international law

Mongolia respects Russian President Vladimir Putin more than international law, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an interview with NBC News, adding that Mongolia respects war more than peace.
"If Mongolia does not respect international law, then they accept Putin. And they introduced the Rome Statute, as far as I know. And it should work for them. And I think this is Mongolia's response to international law, whether they respect it or not. No, they don't [respect international law]. They respect Putin more than international law," Zelenskyy said.
The Ukrainian president added that if several countries do not respect international law, this does not mean that there will be no accountability for this or that person, reports RBC-Ukraine.
"Because most countries will still expect accountability, and it will happen anyway," Zelenskyy concluded.
Russian President Vladimir Putin paid an official visit to Mongolia on September 2-3. This trip marked the first visit by Putin to a country where he is expected to be arrested under a warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2023.
Mongolia ratified the Rome Statute, the main document under which the ICC operates, in 2002. And in 2023, a representative from this country was elected as an ICC judge for a two-year term.

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