3rd Grape and Wine Festival Celebrated in Shamakhi

Meysari, in Shamakhi, is hosting the 3rd Grape and Wine Festival on 7 and 8 September, organized by State Tourism Agency and Shamakhi District Authority. reports that the goal of the festival is to promote local grape and wine production, boost the export potential of the wines, and raise awareness about the history of viticulture and wine production in Azerbaijan among a wider audience.

The visitors can enjoy exhibitions, entertainment and master-class zones, visit the pavilions of famous restaurants, taste wine by 23 local and foreign wine houses, and buy the products should they like them. They can all do so while enjoying an excellent musical program throughout the festival.
It is a space for all wine lovers, including wine producers, members of wine tourism industry, officials and journalists alike.
Those, registered through, will also be provided with a shuttle with a pickup at Heydar Aliyev Centre parking lot at 11:30 on both days to arrive at Meysari and travel back.
The State Tourism Agency is promoting the local wine tourism to an international audience, considering a variety of recognized local grape and wine varieties in Azerbaijan. The agency prioritizes nurturing the ancient winemaking traditions and developing them into blooming tourism destinations in west, north and north-west tourist routes and in Tugh, Khojavand.
Azerbaijan is also a member of Iter Vitis, a cultural route of the Council of Europe, that unites viticultural routes of 20 countries and established to promote sustainable tourism.

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