Chronicles of Victory: (27.09.2020): President Ilham Aliyev appeals to people of Azerbaijan (PHOTO/VIDEO)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 27. The Azerbaijani
Army launched a counter-offensive operation, later called the "Iron
Fist", on September 27, 2020, in response to the large-scale
provocation of the Armenian armed forces along the frontline.
The 44-day second Karabakh war ended with the liberation of
Azerbaijan’s territories from nearly 30-year Armenian occupation
and the restoration of territorial integrity.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made an
appeal to the people of Azerbaijan on September 27.
Appeal of President Ilham Aliyev to the
- Armenian armed forced fired on our settlements, as well as our
military positions, from several directions this morning, using
various types of weaponry, including heavy artillery.
As a result of the enemy fire, there are casualties among the
civilian population and our servicemen. Some people have been
wounded. May God rest our martyrs in peace! Their blood will not
remain unavenged. The Azerbaijani Army is currently firing on the
enemy's military positions, and as a result of these strikes, many
units of the enemy's military equipment have been destroyed. This
is another manifestation of Armenian fascism.
Armenia's military provocations against Azerbaijan have become
regular of late. In July, our servicemen and a civilian were killed
as a result of artillery fire in the direction of Tovuz on the
Armenian-Azerbaijani border. It is no secret that the first fire,
including artillery fire, was opened by Armenia, and the first
victims were Azerbaijani servicemen. Azerbaijan gave a fitting
rebuff to the enemy and they could not move an inch forward. The
enemy was stopped and the territorial integrity of our country was
protected. As a result of the crushing blows, the Armenian side was
forced to accept a bitter defeat. I have said this and I want to
say again that if we had wanted, we could have conducted military
battles on the territory of Armenia. However, we do not have
military targets in Armenia, and this being the case, a ceasefire
was introduced a few days later.
What objectives did Armenia pursue by committing this
provocation? First of all, Armenia plans to occupy Azerbaijani
lands and does not conceal that. Their military-political
leadership tried to threaten Azerbaijan with a new occupation, a
new policy of occupation for new territories – this is the policy
of Armenia’s military-political leadership today. Another reason is
to distract the population from the very serious social and
economic problems in Armenia and portray Azerbaijan as an enemy.
Yet another reason is that Armenia is doing everything possible to
disrupt the negotiations, and I can say that it has succeeded in
doing that. It is as a result of Armenia's hypocritical,
unconstructive and false policy that the negotiations have actually
stopped and this provocation is aimed at these goals. These are the
main goals for them.
In July, Azerbaijan gave a fitting response to the enemy,
preserved its territorial integrity and once again showed that
anyone speaking to Azerbaijan in the language of threats will
regret doing that. Unfortunately, this was not a lesson for them.
However, after the July provocation, I said that this bitter defeat
by Armenia should be a lesson for them.
In August, Armenia launched yet another military provocation.
This time a sabotage group was sent to Azerbaijan. The head of the
sabotage group was detained by the Azerbaijani military and is
currently giving evidence. His statements clearly show that this
sabotage group came to Azerbaijan with a plan to commit acts of
terror. Another military provocation against the civilian
population and our servicemen was committed by Armenia today and,
as I said, they have received their punishment this time again and
will continue to receive it.
Armenia's provocations are also reflected in the statements made
by the Armenian leadership. A year ago, the Armenian prime minister
said in the occupied territories, in Khankandi, that “Karabakh is
Armenia, full stop.” First of all, it is a lie, Karabakh is
Azerbaijan, and I have repeatedly expressed my views on this issue.
Karabakh is Azerbaijan, an exclamation mark! Secondly, this
provocative statement was in fact a major blow to the negotiations.
If the prime minister of Armenia says that “Karabakh is Armenia”,
then what kind of talks can there be?! At the same time, the
Armenian leadership has been repeatedly stating for two years that
Azerbaijan should negotiate not with Armenia, but with the
so-called “Nagorno-Karabakh republic”. This is a big blow to the
negotiation process. First of all, Azerbaijan will never negotiate
with the puppet junta regime. Secondly, attempts to change the
format of talks show once again that Armenia's main goal is to
disrupt the talks and maintain the status quo. However, the heads
of state of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs have repeatedly stated
that the status quo is unacceptable, which means that the
occupation must end.
Armenia's provocations against us do not end at that. Recently,
the “swearing-in” ceremony of the head of the so-called criminal
junta was held in Shusha, an ancient city of our ancient
Azerbaijan. Isn't this a provocation? This is an insult to us. They
thought that we would put up with this insult. They are
deliberately provoking us and they will see the bitter
Recently, a decision was made by the so-called parliament of the
“Nagorno-Karabakh republic” to settle people in the ancient
Azerbaijani city of Shusha. This is another provocation. Recently,
the prime minister of Armenia announced that “voluntary” military
units would be established, bringing together tens of thousands of
people. Why is this necessary? Who will they fight against? This
was part of the preparations for today's provocation against
Azerbaijan. I have said several times, including from the UN
platform recently, that Armenia is preparing for a new war, and
Armenia must and will be stopped.
Armenia is pursuing a policy of illegal settlement in the
occupied territories. Several Lebanese Armenian families have
recently been resettled to Nagorno-Karabakh, including Shusha, an
ancient city in Azerbaijan. This is a war crime. This is completely
contrary to the Geneva Convention. Armenia will be held accountable
for this crime. This is another provocation against us. Settlement
in the occupied territories is a crime, and this policy has been
pursued by Armenia for many years. The fact is that the country's
population is declining due to the difficult economic, political
and social situation in Armenia. Armenia is experiencing a
demographic crisis and does not have the human resources to deploy
its people in the occupied territories. That is why they hope for
Armenians living abroad. This policy is currently underway. At the
same time, according to the accurate information we have, Armenia
has carried out illegal settlement in some of our occupied
territories. The names of our districts and villages are being
changed. The historical heritage of Azerbaijanis is being erased.
Our historical monuments are being destroyed. Azerbaijani mosques
are being destroyed and desecrated. Armenia keeps cows and pigs in
our mosques. This is the greatest insult to the entire Muslim
world. The graves of our ancestors are being destroyed by tractors.
It is fascists, vandals and savages who have done this.
At the same time, the recent military exercises in the occupied
territories should be considered another provocation by Armenia.
Because these exercises have one purpose: to attack Azerbaijan, to
fire on the civilian population and to occupy new lands! All the
facts I have mentioned show again that Armenia and its ugly
policies are the source of danger in the region.
Azerbaijan has not resorted to any provocation. Azerbaijan
simply defends its interests, supports its position and pursues its
policy openly. We have repeatedly stated that Nagorno-Karabakh is
historical and ancient land of Azerbaijan, and this is true. When
the prime minister of Armenia says that “Karabakh is Armenia”, it
is a lie. When I say that “Karabakh is Azerbaijan”, it is true. The
whole world recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as an integral part of
Azerbaijan. Historical justice is on our side. Because it is our
native land, our ancestral land. International law is on our side.
All international organizations recognize the territorial integrity
of Azerbaijan. All countries recognize the territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan. Decisions and resolutions adopted within international
organizations explicitly state that Nagorno-Karabakh belongs to
Azerbaijan. Four UN Security Council resolutions call for an
immediate, full and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces
from the occupied territories. These resolutions have been on paper
for almost 30 years. Negotiations within the Minsk Group have been
going on for almost 30 years and, as a result, Armenia has
paralyzed the negotiations by regularly committing military
provocations. Besides the United Nations, all other leading
international organizations support our rightful position. The
Non-Aligned Movement is the second largest international
institution after the United Nations, and it is currently chaired
by Azerbaijan. It has adopted a fair resolution on the conflict.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has adopted fair
resolutions. The decisions of the OSCE and the resolutions of the
European Parliament support our position. Our position is based on
international law and justice. We are fighting on our own land.
Today, the Azerbaijani Army is dealing crushing blows to the enemy
on Azerbaijani soil. Today, the Azerbaijani Army protects the
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan on its territory. What are
Armenian soldiers doing in our lands?! What is the Armenian army
doing in our lands?! It is no secret that 90 percent of the
personnel in the “Nagorno-Karabakh army” are Armenian citizens.
Armenia is an occupying state, this occupation must and will
We are on the right path! Ours is the cause of justice! We will
win! Karabakh is ours! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

