Worker injured during emergency at ferroalloy plant in Karaganda dies

AKIPRESS.COM - A 31-year-old worker who was injured during an emergency at a ferroalloy plant in Karaganda died, Kazinform reports with reference to the health department of Karaganda region.
"Despite all the efforts of doctors, it was not possible to save one of the injured workers of the Karaganda ferroalloy plant. A patient had 85% burns to his body and was in extremely serious condition. He died," the health department reported.
The condition of the remaining five victims is still critical, the department added. Two patients are in the intensive care unit.
A sudden burst of flame occurred at the furnaces of a ferroalloy plant in Karaganda on July 20. Eight employees of the plant were injured. They were sent to the Multidisciplinary Hospital named after Professor Kh. Makazhanov. For additional medical assistance, doctors of the National Scientific Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.D. Batpenov arrived in Karaganda.

