President Ilham Aliyev brought to Blinke's attention that new realities have emerged in the region as a result of Azerbaijan's efforts

Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev said during a telephone conversation with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken that there is already peace in the region, APA reports.

The head of state emphasized that new realities and status quo based on justice and international law have emerged in the region as a result of Azerbaijan's efforts.

President Ilham Aliyev pointed out that the initiator of the peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan was our country, and for the signing of this treaty, Armenia must give up its territorial claims against Azerbaijan based on its Constitution and other legislative acts, as well as the OSCE Minsk Group, which is a remnant of the past, and all its related institutions. stressed the importance of ending its activities.

Addressing the issue of border delimitation, President Ilham Aliyev noted the positive results achieved within the framework of the bilateral process and said that this process will be carried out on the basis of the Regulation.

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