Western Azerbaijan Community strongly condemns Toivo Klaar’s anti-Azerbaijani stance

The Western Azerbaijan Community on Tuesday strongly condemned the anti-Azerbaijani stance and approach undermining media freedom repeatedly exhibited by Toivo Klaar, the European Union's Special Representative for the South Caucasus, News.Az reports.

“Instead of demanding that Armenia withdraw from the Azerbaijani villages it occupied, the EU representative referred to these territories as "disputed," effectively encouraging Armenia to continue its occupation policies,” the Community said in a statement.

“Furthermore, Toivo Klaar has attempted to censor Azerbaijani mass media to cover up Armenia's aggression. Mr. Klaar seems to have been troubled by the Azerbaijani media's reports on the massacre committed by Armenia against Azerbaijani civilians in the Baghanis Ayrım village of the Gazakh district and on the continued occupation of several Azerbaijani territories by Armenia. It appears that for Klaar, the problem is not Armenia’s occupation of Azerbaijani territories, its war crimes, and crimes against humanity against Azerbaijanis, but the coverage of these facts in the media,” the Community stressed.

The Western Azerbaijan Community demanded that the European Union abandon its erroneous and dangerous policy, not hinder the establishment of peace in the region, and adopt a fair position regarding the safe and dignified return of Azerbaijanis forcibly expelled from Armenia.


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