What is the first registered company in Khankendi?

There are 12 registered companies with a legal address located in Khankendi.
According to Yeniavaz.com, the first company registered in Khankendi was 166 INVEST.AZ LLC (TIN – 8000074691).
For information, the company was registered in the state on February 27 of this year. Before this date, not a single company with a legal address in Khankendi was registered.
The legal representative of 166 INVEST.AZ LLC, whose authorized capital is 10 manats, is Zeynalov Agil Ismail ogly.
It should be noted that Agil Ismail ogly Zeynalov is the director of Evakuasiya.Az LLC (TIN – 1501720121), founded in 2011, Yuk Taxi.Az LLC (TIN – 1303349591), founded in 2013, and Evakuator.Az LLC "(TIN - 1503392351), founded in 2016.
These companies are considered one of the leading cargo transportation companies in the country. The resettlement of the population to territories liberated from occupation is carried out mainly through these companies.
At the same time, Agil Zeynalov heads well-known evacuation services such as “156” and “166”.
Let us recall that on September 19-20 last year, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces conducted an anti-terrorist operation in the city of Khankendi and surrounding areas, putting an end to the activities of the separatist regime that had existed for more than 30 years.
We present a list of companies whose legal address is located in Khankendi:

Elnur Ali
