Turkey prosecution demands that the case of Hrant Dink’s assassin be dismissed on basis of statute of limitations

During Istanbul Armenian journalist Hrant Dink's murder trial at the 24th Istanbul Court of Serious Crimes, the prosecution motioned to dismiss the case of Dink’s assassin, Ogun Samast, on the basis of the statute of limitations.
In this court case, Samast is charged with murdering Hrant Dink on the orders of the Gulen movement, even though he is not a member of this movement.
Also, prosecution asked the court to sentence several defendants, who are accused of being Gulen movement members and plotting Dink’s assassination, to life imprisonment.
The court adjourned this hearing until October 16 so as to prepare the defense for the accused.
Hrant Dink, the prominent Istanbul Armenian journalist and editor-in-chief of Agos, the only weekly newspaper being printed in Armenian and Turkish in Turkey, was assassinated on January 19, 2007, in front of the then editorial office of Agos, by three gunshots to the head from behind.

