Agenda of Azerbaijani Parliament's session changes, issue of appealing to President regarding early elections will be considered

The agenda of today's meeting of the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament) has changed, Sahiba Gafarova, the Speaker of the Milli Majlis said, APA reports.

The issue of applying to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the appointment of early elections to the Milli Majlis was added to the agenda of the meeting.

Thus, the number of issues included in the agenda of the plenary meeting of the parliament reached 13.

Note that on June 20, at the meeting of the Board of the New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), a unanimous decision was made to recommend the MPs representing the NAP in the Parliament to take the initiative to appeal to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the dissolution of the sixth convocation Milli Majlis and the appointment of early elections.

